Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Song of the Day Egyptian Protests and Social Media

Sout Al Horeya صوت الحريهThe Voice of Freedom

I went out and said that I wouldn’t come back
And wrote with my blood on each street
We made our voices heard to those who weren’t listening
And all the barriers/obstacles were broken
Our weapon was our dreams
And tomorrow was clear before us
We’ve been waiting for a long time
Seeking but not finding our place
In every street of my country,  the sound of freedom is calling
We lifted our heads high
And hunger no longer bothered us
What’s most important are our rights
And to write our history with our blood
If you were really one of us [Hosni Mubarak]
Stop talking and telling us
To leave and forget our dream
And stop saying the word “I”
In every street of my country, the sound of freedom is calling
The spoken poetry at 2:14:Tan Egyptian arms against discrimination stretched in the midst of roar shattering its imposed enclosures The wonderful youth have spoken turned Egypt's Fall to Spring and accomplished the unimaginable Awoke the dead from under tyranny

The spoken poetry at 2:31Kill me (if you can) Killing me, will not bring your regime back for with my blood, I write a new life, for my homeland. Is it my blood, or is it Spring has sprung? For both seem green today. ...

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