Thursday, September 22, 2011


When I pass by you or we meet for the first time,
when I see you on the news and listen to your story,
when our unconsummated fb messages meet from untraveled corners of the globe,

IF I chose to feel your happiness from connection or allow your pain 
from loss, from disappointment, from hunger or illness or physical injury,

IF I chose to comprehend your joy of overwhelming triumph, 
the rush of accomplishment, laughter, pleasure, relief,

IF I chose to acknowledge your fear of self doubt,
of burdens too large to carry, the worry of an unknown future, 
and the energy draining weight of schleping the past behind you 
when it no longer serves,

IF I chose to open myself to your passion and anger, 
your depth of violence that is terrifying living inside you
along side your heart that desires nothing but peace,

IF I chose to search for the tenderness there,
IF I chose to try to understand your vulnerability,
to feel your strength and know the cocky, confidence of one day 
that easily blends into the hopeless dispair of another, 
to experience the depths of the failures you have suffered 
and the pulsing drive of dreams waiting to be fulfilled,

IF I chose to really see, there is no distinguishing 
your worry about shelter, about safety, about finding purpose in your life.  
Your essential need to be seen and heard, valued and loved is no different than my own.

There is no culture, no language, no gender, no belief that excludes you.  
Our differences only superficial, our separation fabricated and temporal.

IF I chose to look within you, I would recognize me.

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