Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Blogging my Brains Out

So the semester comes to an end and I've realized that blogging is a serious business.  I remember meeting students who had been offered jobs to manage company blogs and FB pages and I thought...cake!  They had turned it all down.  All the glory of becoming the "voice" of a company, spewing their thoughts and profound insights, money.  It was beyond me until now.  Looking back at my ambitious and enthusiastic beginnings and seeing how that appeal trickled and ceased is a timely insight.  You see, I've moved.  And I've been considering adding some lactating animals to the family.  It seems like a natural progression from yogurt making and recent cheese experimentation and my budding desire to move into aged artesian cheeses.  Until today.  Because cows and goats like blogs, need tending.


  1. Your references to cheese are entirely metaphorical, right?

  2. Blogging huh? Is that what you kids call it now?

  3. At least blogs don't poop. No, wait...
